Additional benefits are received by 90% of employees. The vast majority of companies offer a basic medical care package and a sports card. Unfortunately, the offered benefits only partially meet the needs of employees. For employees, private medical care is of the greatest importance, but in an extended package and the possibility of flexible work.

As the conclusions of the Hays Poland Salary Report show, this year’s offer of standard benefits, most often offered to employees, is very similar to last year’s. Medical care and a sports card are in the lead. Over half of the employers also offer integration trips and work tools that employees can use in their private time.

The benefits package more and more often includes life insurance, additional education subsidies and the possibility of flexible work. The employers’ offer also shows a growing concern for the well-being of employees. A drug policy, free dental care, additional breaks at work for physical activity, and even a doctor’s office and rehabilitation treatments available in the company are gaining popularity. Moreover, 60% of companies diversify the offer of additional benefits for their employees. An example is company cars, most often available only to management.

Expectations versus reality

Despite the efforts of employers, as many as 43% of employees are not satisfied with the fringe benefits they receive. Employees do not appreciate benefits mainly because they do not suit their needs. Over the years, life insurance and various forms of subsidies – education, meals, childcare have become an increasingly important benefit for employees. Employees define their expectations very precisely. A positive trend is that more and more employers want to listen and, instead of the standard benefits package, opt for solutions that are a real response to specific needs. An example is the first health insurance on the market combined with legal assistance, an application supporting the work-life balance of employees and innovative savings programs – comments Paula Rejmer, director at Hays Poland. Employees do not appreciate benefits also because they do not know their value. Communication – or rather the lack of it – is one of the employers’ mistakes apart from not meeting the expectations.

Which benefits were included in this year’s list of the most important for employees?

As in last year, medical care remains the most important, but in an extended variant and the possibility of flexible work, appreciated by representatives of all generations on the labor market. The importance that employees place on flexibility in the workplace has been evident in Hays’ research for several years. Despite the fact that such opportunities are declared by 70% of companies, the research shows that the offered solutions do not match the needs of employees, who often do not have sufficient knowledge about the solutions available to them. Meanwhile, flexible work is so important for employees, because it is one of the tools facilitating the balance between private and work life, the so-called work-life balance. And this balance is disturbed in the lives of nearly 40% of employees.

Trends and fashion will also remain an important aspect in the field of fringe benefit. However, it should always be borne in mind that an ideal non-wage benefits policy should support the values ​​promoted by the organization. If a company is guided by a specific set of values ​​and in accordance with them selects both employees and benefits, it increases the chance of creating an organization composed of satisfied professionals – adds Jadwiga Miśtak, HR expert at Hays Poland.